~~ I smile :) ~~

26 January, 2013
Every time I open his old pictures, his eyes speak to me. They tell me he is sorry. They seem to hold back tears and just ask me to smile. I smile. I smile because I don’t know what got into him. Why he did what he did. Maybe there were reasons that he never wanted to speak of. Whatever the reasons, I smile because he is happy now.

He might be a different person now. I don’t know this new person – he is a stranger to me. I smile for the person who once smiled for me.

I still feel him around. As if he never left. My eyes search for him in the crowd. When I think I’d just sniffed his body odour, I turn around with excitement to see if he is following me.

But I don’t find him. Because he’s gone. He left... to make his own life.

~~~It’s back to college again :) ~~~(Part 5)

14 January, 2013

I have sat down to write after a long time. Mostly, in the past, my mind had been preoccupied by things that bogged me down a bit, but I have always been a fighter, I have always come out a stronger person. I might be boasting, but yeah, that’s what I love most about myself.

All of a sudden, I feel like revisiting the memories of the good old college days, when most of us looked champoos (on the downside), and thinner (on the upside) :P. In the past, I wrote blog posts about College Days (Part 1), College Days – First Day in Class (Part 2), and two more blog posts (on Nishant and Ankit). After writing each of these, I would usually end up shedding some tears or spending hours pondering over the past and wondering why we all had to part our ways. However, now I feel, I couldn’t do justice to what were the most beautiful days in our lives. Each of those fun moments deserved to be penned down.

Now that most of us are busy leading our own lives and hardly care about anyone else’s, it is time we take a look back and smile for a while. I take this opportunity to thank each one of you for being a part of those wonderful three years!! Good or bad, what I learnt then, has made me what I am today. I have set out to do justice to those moments.

And no, am not stuck in the past. I have had the most adventurous three years post those three years. I just want to pause for a while and reflect on the beauty of the past, that gives me strength and tells me that the future will be even more beautiful!!

Next post coming very soon! Cheers !
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